Pusch Ridge At Dusk

by Mark Myhaver
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4928.000 x 3264.000 pixels
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Pusch Ridge At Dusk
Mark Myhaver
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
In this view of Pusch Ridge showing Table Mountain and Pusch Peak you can see the lush vegetation of Oro Valley in the foreground. The late but abundant monsoon rains provided us with a second spring. It is a beautiful time of year to visit the Tucson area.
This was captured just after the sun had set to my back. It is a combination of three exposures of thirty seconds each combined in camera for a total ninety second exposure.
Pusch Ridge
Santa Catalina Mountains
Oro Valley, AZ
September 17th 2014
Copyright Mark Myhaver
September 20th, 2014
Comments (7)

Judy Vincent
Wonderful image! Congratulations on your feature in the “Landscape and Landmark Photography” group! Happy Fourth of July!

Georgiana Romanovna
Congratulations on your feature of your art on the group homepage of "Art From The Heart". F/L/T/G+